Open Transactions

The OPEN TRANSACTIONS screen lists all the open invoices that have been processed and posted (showing real-time, up-to-the-minute data). The information includes the Trans Date, Account Number, Transaction Type, PO numbers, DC code, Company Code, Last Approver, Due Date, Gross Amount, Cash Discounts, Net Amount, Payment Amount and status, Total Net Payment Amount, and Action options for each receivable listed. See an example of the OPEN TRANSACTIONS screen below.

Receivable Numbers (invoice numbers) are listed in the first column, next to their check boxes on the far left. If there is an exclamation mark (“!”) icon next to the receivable number, that means it is Past Due. If you hover over the receivable number’s blue link, a white rectangle will pop up which reads “Overdue”. Each receivable number is an active link, which you can click to download a PDF version of the invoice. You  can do an extended search for transactions by clicking the Extended Search button.

Use the links below to jump to any of these four topics on this HELP page...

How to use the Open Transactions screen
How to Pay By Statement
How to make Online Payments
How to use Ordering Receipt icons

How to use the OPEN TRANSACTIONS screen:

  1. In the McKesson Connect portal's top menu bar, click on Open Transactions in the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE sub menu (under Business Management / Programs) for direct access to the OPEN TRANSACTIONS screen.

    Note: You can also click on the TRANSACTIONS tab in the Accounts Payable menu bar and select Open from the sub menu.

    The OPEN TRANSACTIONS screen displays.

  2. Use the Extended Search feature to Search for Open Transactions. You can click the Hide Search button to hide the Extended Search feature.

  3. Note the Account Number drop-down menu. In addition to your selected accounts, you can also choose All Selected Accounts. This allows you to select and display multiple accounts. However, you can still filter accounts from within the screen to view only particular accounts.

  4. You can click the Switch Selected Accounts link at the top of the screen to make a new account selection or change your selected accounts. If you access the SWITCH SELECTED ACCOUNTS screen from any screen and make a new account selection, you will automatically be returned to that screen and see it refreshed with the new account selection made.

  5. Note the dates in the two Trans Date fields above. By default, the first date will be 15 days previous to the current date displayed in the second field.

  6. Enter all your search criteria in the Search for Open Transactions fields and click the Find button to display search results.

    Note:  Search criteria is not case sensitive and you can use an asterisk <*> for wildcard searches.

  7. Click the Save New Filters button to save your current entries as the default search criteria for this screen.

    Note: All users are pre-configured with the ‘McKesson’ defaults for all screens. You must enter specific search criteria and then click the Save New Filters button to change the pre-configured defaults. For example, you could enter 2,000 in the Total Due field and a range of receivable numbers in the Rec # fields. Then click the Save New Filters button. That specific criteria will be saved and pre-configured the next time you log into the Accounts Payable application.

  8. Click the McK Filters button to restore the search criteria to ‘McKesson’ default values for this screen.

  9. Click the Display All button to display ALL the transactions data available.

  10. You can always click the Reset button to enter new search criteria. Then click the Find button again.

  11. Your search results will display in a table (see an example below).

  12. The Show Only Approved check box is checked by default. Un-check it to display ALL your transactions instead.

  13. If you mouse over any code in the DC column, a small pop-up window will display with the DC name and code number (for example, "DENVER DC #8131"").

  14. If you mouse over any code in the Comp Code column, a small pop-up window will display the name associated with the code (for example, "McK Plasma & Biologics" or "Specialty Distribution").

  15. You can mouse over Last Approver ID's to see the full name.

  16. Click any Receivable Number link to download a PDF version of the invoice.

    Reminder: If a receivable number has an exclamation point <"!"> icon next to it, that means it is Past Due.

  17. You can use the scroll_icon.gif icon to sort any column except for Action and Payment Amount. Dollar amount fields will be sorted based on absolute value.

  18. Hover over the 'folder' icon in the left side of the Action column on the far right of the screen. The pop-up below will display. If you click on the icon, you can save PDF or ZIP compressed file versions of the transaction's data to your local computer.


  19. If you click the Select All check box in the top left corner next to the Receivable Number column, it will select ALL the transactions (on every page of the total transactions listed).

  20. You can download transactions listed by selecting one or more (use the check boxes on the far left of the screen) and then click the Download button. The DOWNLOAD TRANSACTIONS screen will display with the following options for downloading in various formats:

    - Summary Invoice Header Level Data
         Comma-separated format, for use in MS ExcelTM or other programs, one row per invoice. Limit of 1,000 transactions.
    - Detailed Invoice Line Level Data – Consolidated
         Comma-Separated format; for use in MS-Excel or other programs; one file and one row per invoice line within the file. Limit of 200 transactions.
    - Detailed Invoice Line Level Data - Non-Consolidated
         Comma-Separated format; for use in MS-Excel or other programs; one file per invoice and one row per invoice line within the file (zipped). Limit of 200 transactions.
    - PDF - Portable Data Format
         PDF for Adobe Reader or image file format; PDF's/images of invoices; one PDF or image per invoice (zipped). Limit of 200 transactions.
    - XML - Extended Markup Language
         XML format used for import into some AP systems; one file and one section per invoice within file. Limit of 200 transactions.

    Select any of the options above by clicking its button on the far left and then click the Download button at the bottom of the screen. A pop-up window will display, allowing you to either Open or Save the invoice to a location on your local hard drive.

    If you select Summary Invoice Header Level Data and exceed the 1,000 transactions limit, the pop-up warning message below will display. Click the Proceed button to download the first 1,000 transactions listed. Click the Cancel button to cancel the download request.

    If you select more than 200 invoices or items to download or print, a pop-up message will display which reads: "You have exceeded the download limit of 200 items. Please click on ‘Proceed’ to download the first 200 items or ‘Cancel’ to go back and adjust your selection!" See the screen shot of the pop-up message below.

For users who are enabled to 'pay by statement':

  1. If you select a transaction and click the Pay By Statement button, the transaction data will display.

    Note: The Pay By Statement feature is only available if you receive statements and pay by statements (rather than by invoice paying terms). Only one Individual Account can be selected. If more than one Individual Account is selected, the Pay By Statement button will not be displayed. Invoices with the Pending Approval status will not be displayed when you pay by statement.

  2. You can de-select any of the invoices listed by clicking their check boxes. The checks in the boxes will then be gone.

For users who are enabled to make online payments:

  1. To make a payment, select the payment method (i.e., Bank Account) you want to use from the drop-down menu under "2. Select the payment method you want to use. You are paying with...".

    Note: The default account, which you can set up in Administration > Account Preferences > Bank Data, will be listed first at the top.

  2. The third step reads "3. Choose Continue to check and confirm your payment." Click the Continue button to proceed with the payment for a selected transaction.

  3. To pay an invoice, select the invoice and click the Pay icon on the far right of the screen. Then click the Continue button at the bottom of the screen.

  4. The LIST OF TRANSACTIONS SELECTED FOR PAYMENT screen displays. The schedule date will automatically be determined for you, according to the Due Date on the invoice you selected. The schedule date will be set to one day prior to the due date. If the due date is on a holiday or weekend, it will automatically use the next business day.

    If any of the invoices are Past Due, the system will use the current date (unless the current date is after 2:00 P.M. PST – then it will default to the next business day).

    You can use the pop-up calendar to select another date (for days Monday – Friday, not Saturday or Sunday). If you try to submit a Saturday or Sunday, you will get a pop-up message alerting you that it is not a valid day for selection.

  5. After you have made your date selection, click the Submit button. The CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT screen displays with the payment data.


If you are enabled to use the McKesson Connect Ordering application, you have the ability to update the receipt status (at a line item level) for orders you've placed via the Ordering application. If you do utilize this functionality, the receipt information can also be seen via the TRANSACTIONS screens within the Accounts Payable application. See the details below for clarification.

  1. Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab in the Accounts Payable menu bar and select For Approval, Open, or Closed in the sub menu.

  2. At the far right of the screen, you may see one of the three Ordering Receipt icons below. It will be displayed in the Action column for any given line item. These icons represent the status of the order receipt: Finalize, Partial, or No Receiving Information.


  3. By clicking on any of these icons, you can drill down into ORDERING DETAILS screens with information regarding the item level receipt status. See the line item example below. The icon indicates that the order has the Finalize status.


  4. If you click on the icon, an ORDERING DETAILS screen displays and the order shows Finalize in the Received Status column. See the screen shot below. Note the other columns and order details that display on the ORDERING DETAILS screen.



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